On December 20th, 2013 the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the prostitution laws. It gave the government one year to come up with a new law. Legalizing brothels and decriminalizing prostitution in Canada will inevitably lead to increased sex trafficking and child exploitation.
In highly developed countries such as Sweden, Norway and Iceland there has been massive success in decriminalizing those being sold while criminalizing the purchase of sexual acts. The sex trade in Sweden has almost disappeared since they adopted the Nordic model and re-trained their police force in 1999.
You have an opportunity to do your part in prevention of sexual exploitation of women and children.
I just answered the Federal Government’s questionnaire in a way that corresponds to the Nordic model. The on-line consultation closes on March 17, 2014. You can voice your opinion at: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/curr-cours/proscons-conspros/
The on-line consultation questions are as follows:
1. Do you think that purchasing sexual services from an adult should be a criminal offence? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain.
2. Do you think that selling sexual services by an adult should be a criminal offence? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain.
3. If you support allowing the sale or purchase of sexual services, what limitations should there be, if any, on where or how this can be conducted? Please explain.
4. Do you think that it should be a criminal offence for a person to benefit economically from the prostitution of an adult? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain.
5. Are there any other comments you wish to offer to inform the Government's response to the Bedford decision?
6. Are you are writing on behalf of an organization? If so, please identify the organization and your title or role