In Canada, less than 2% of single women facing
unplanned pregnancies will choose adoption.
Many couples are waiting up to ten years to adopt a
Make the choice to Choose
Life for
you and your baby.
Call a Pregnancy Centre or a Pro Life
Organization in your area or you may click the image above to get more information
Our Mission
To share and promote the significant message of respect life with others who live in the villages, towns, cities and in the wide open spaces of the southwest life network.
To have a website where, through our interaction, we will enhance our outreach and become a part of this respect for life networking movement
Our objectives
To reach everyone within the boundaries of the network who wish to communicate with us.
To unite together all who believe and support life from conception to natural death.
To co-operate with other like-minded groups in advancing respect and protection for the most vulnerable, the elderly, the disabled, and the unborn.
To spread the evidence on the effectiveness of abstinence education.
Our Goal is:
To build a culture of life throughout the southwest network.