Yesterday, Thursday May 8th, a reported 23,000 Canadians gathered at the Parliament of Canada to make a statement for life during the annual March for Life.
The gathering happened on the heels of a statement by Liberal Party Leader, Justin Trudeau, that he would not allow anyone who is pro-life to run as a candidate for the Liberal Party. The statement by Mr. Trudeau, along with an ambush by two topless protesters during one of the speeches, brought the march into the national news spotlight yesterday.
This means we have an incredible opportunity right now to be a voice for the cause of life while our leaders and the media's attention is on this important issue.
If you could not attend the March for the Life in person yesterday we encourage you to take this opportunity to let our leaders know that you are standing with those who stood on Parliament Hill for life yesterday.
4 Ways To Be A Voice:
1 - Please take a moment to contact your Member of Parliament and let them know that you are standing with those who stood for the unborn at Parliament yesterday. Let them know you would support them as they do what they can to protect the unborn and women who are negatively impacted by abortion. Click here to find your MP by postal code now.
Note: Don't be discouraged if you do not get a positive response back. Simply be faithful to share your view. The fact that you contact them will make a big impact. The more people who share their view, the higher the chance that our leaders' hearts will change.
2 - Please take a moment to e-mail Justin Trudeau and express (with love and respect) that you are disappointed with his undemocratic decision not to allow pro-life individuals to run for the Liberal Party. E-mail: [email protected]
3 - Please take a moment to make a pro-life comment on the CBC article which was posted yesterday about the March and issue of life. Following is a link to the article: CBC Article - 3 Things to know about abortion in Canada
4 - Lift your voice in prayer by joining the Life Prayer Wall (a virtual prayer chain for the ending of abortion). Click here to get more information or to sign up for a 15 minute weekly prayer slot.
Action Alert. Please write your MP
The gathering happened on the heels of a statement by Liberal Party Leader, Justin Trudeau, that he would not allow anyone who is pro-life to run as a candidate for the Liberal Party. The statement by Mr. Trudeau, along with an ambush by two topless protesters during one of the speeches, brought the march into the national news spotlight yesterday.
This means we have an incredible opportunity right now to be a voice for the cause of life while our leaders and the media's attention is on this important issue.
If you could not attend the March for the Life in person yesterday we encourage you to take this opportunity to let our leaders know that you are standing with those who stood on Parliament Hill for life yesterday.
4 Ways To Be A Voice:
1 - Please take a moment to contact your Member of Parliament and let them know that you are standing with those who stood for the unborn at Parliament yesterday. Let them know you would support them as they do what they can to protect the unborn and women who are negatively impacted by abortion. Click here to find your MP by postal code now.
Note: Don't be discouraged if you do not get a positive response back. Simply be faithful to share your view. The fact that you contact them will make a big impact. The more people who share their view, the higher the chance that our leaders' hearts will change.
2 - Please take a moment to e-mail Justin Trudeau and express (with love and respect) that you are disappointed with his undemocratic decision not to allow pro-life individuals to run for the Liberal Party. E-mail: [email protected]
3 - Please take a moment to make a pro-life comment on the CBC article which was posted yesterday about the March and issue of life. Following is a link to the article: CBC Article - 3 Things to know about abortion in Canada
4 - Lift your voice in prayer by joining the Life Prayer Wall (a virtual prayer chain for the ending of abortion). Click here to get more information or to sign up for a 15 minute weekly prayer slot.
Action Alert. Please write your MP